A Random Access to My Sleepy Memory…


I so much wish to write regularly and it so unfortunately does not happen. It’s again a big gap since my last post and it’s again that I am drifting into the land of sweet dreams..zzzzz

There’s a list of hundreds of things that I have to do during the day. In the midst of all those activities, I do come up with interesting ideas to write on/about but by the night time-the time I think I should devote to writing- it’s all forgotten, thrown into the back drop or simply slept upon!  while putting my little one to sleep, I just mostly fail to resist my own call for bed. I do regret later for not utilising that supposed ‘Me Time’ but…

Recently, I finished an introductory course on child care and then happened to read a book on raising an amazing child. Today, I got my certificate for that course and for a moment I thought and felt that I quite enjoy this subject and the practice. My daughter is now 3.5 years old and is going through the most interesting stage of her childhood. It’s where she can communicate with us and we can participate in her tiny world with due response. It’s amazing the way your child surprises you with each and every act and show of learning..

There are numerous things that we want to mend about ourselves( if you are humble enough!) but the hardest thing that I have found so far is ‘ to forgive and forget’. some people just wind you up so painfully that you don’t know what to do about them. However, it is the quality that I really wish to master. I know it feels so sublime and satisfactory when you don’t fall from your pedestal and just ignore what doesn’t kill you. Maintaining and nurturing relationships is a key achievement in a human life.

A while ago, I was reading a book on noble conducts and character. It really made me think of what it was pressing upon. It says that we must make the most of our precious life time in performing good deeds, saying prayers and reading. Our time in this world is too short and precious to be wasted in idleness and aimlessness. Whatever is the mode of our life, it must be structured around positive and constructive activities. Help yourselves and do care to help your fellow beings wherever and however possible. A life of a purpose is better lived than the one wasted in vain entertainment or carelessness.

Well, I have just realized that I have succeeded in beating my strong spell of sleep but have got a promise to keep, before I sleep..

I wonder if this writing makes any sense but I just wanted to write..