
If this blog meets its final mark, the credit would go to the forced  yet stimulating reading that I was just going through. Forced I said because of my current health condition. I’m struggling to recover from the weakness that the recent illness has left me with. I cant afford to engage myself in any physical or even mental activity but couldnt help scrolling through various articles on various sites. The result is that I am tempted to write one for myself!

Every successful writer has his/her own success story and the underlying secrets. I suggest that in order to have a true taste of the treat, read wide and in various styles. If you have real passion for the words in print, you’ll enjoy, appreciate and learn from the diversity of expressions and lay-outs.

I am not very frequent writer, I usually find it an impulsive act. My new understanding is that if you want to stay consistant in your writing, you should atleast keep reading different things: blogs, magazines, newspaper clips etc. Reading motivates to write and write better.

Another thing that this reading reveals to me is that there are new, trendy ways to communicate in writing now!  Like most of the poeople, I wasnt much aware of the precise and brief piece of writing. I used to believe and still inclined to practice long, essay type writings. The harm is that unless you are actually, truly and impressively captivating in your writing style, you are likely to lose the interest of the reader. Today’s reader wants to reach to the gist quickly and doesnt like to get lost in the tricky details.reading-and-writing

People have mastered the art of making their point in 2-3 paragraphs using the simplest form of diction. No verbosity, no complicated ideas.

There’s another contemporary writing style that I recently came across while reading few web articles. Perhaps, you can call it illustrative form of writing; where there is an apt and appealing use of images to capture the attention and presenting the idea in a simple way.

Inshort, you can hone your writing skills by just reading others’ fine work. It opens up your own mind, broadens the horizon of approach and equip you with novel ideas. If you think your writing practice is getting slower and lesser, start reading and before you know, you’ll be back on the saddle! You doubt? I have just finished this article and it happened after a quick spell of reading! Happy reading and happy writing later!!